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Video 5-6-20, 11 20 38 pm
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Our Koko Samoa is 100 percent made in Samoa. 


 Koko Samoa will always be made in Samoa. 

We collect our Koko Samoa from Samoan farmers for premium prices, from decade old family farms to the new starter, we endeavor to collect Koko Samoa from any farmer wanting their Koko Samoa sold. We want to create avenues for regular incomes from our lands.


We drive to weigh our beans from different villages in Savai'i and Upolu, before making them the traditional Samoan way.

We fa'apa'u our Koko Samoa in Savai'i, ku'i i Apia, before being sent off to Our Distribution Centre for Global Distribution. 

100 percent Cacao, 100 percent Samoan. 

Koko Samoa is the Samoan coffee, mixed with boiling water becomes the purest form of drinking chocolate. Added to rice become Koko Alaisa (Better than chocolate rice pudding) Se'i maua se kupe fai se video fa'ali aku ia oukou.

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